How To : Using OnCreate

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[edit] Description

This document describes how to use OnCreate.

[edit] Prerequisites

Bungee's Approach to Constructors
Understanding Function and Field Overrides
Adding a Function or Field Override

[edit] Procedure

To override onCreate in your project:

  1. Right-click on the class and select Add Override. A dialog box is displayed containing all of the available fields and functions that can be overriden.
  2. Select onCreate in the left column of the dialog box and click the >> button (alternatively, double click the function in the left column to add it to the right column).
  3. Click OK to add the function override for onCreate to the class.
  4. The onCreate function override has a light blue icon instead of a purple icon, indicating this is an override.
  5. In the Solution Detail, double-click onCreate to open it in the Design Editor.
  6. Add Bungee Logic statements for the desired functionality.

[edit] Error Handling


[edit] Examples


[edit] Next Steps

Understanding Bungee Logic
Working with Bungee Logic

[edit] Tags

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