How To : Using Import and Include

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[edit] Description

This document describes how to import or include a previously posted project (either from Production or from the Share) into a different solution.

[edit] Prerequisites

Understanding Import and Include
Using the Share
Understanding Solutions and Projects
Understanding Application Posting and Deployment
Adding a Page to an AppProject

[edit] Procedure

To import a Posted Project:

  1. Select the solution into which you want to import the posted project.
  2. Click the Modify Dependencies button on the toolbar.
  3. In the dialog box that's displayed, select the posted project you want to import (to import a project from the Share, select the Share tab first).
    1. You can select a project from the projects that are marked as the current post.
    2. Or you can unselect View Current Only and select any posted project. The current version will be bold.

  4. Click the arrow button [>>] to move the project to the right.
  5. On the right side of the dialog, in the drop-down box for Type, select Import.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the dialog box that's displayed, verify the posted projects you are importing. Click OK.
  8. The posted project you imported is now a project within your current solution.

To include a Posted Project:

  1. Select the solution into which you want to include posted project.
  2. Click the Modify Dependencies button on the toolbar.
  3. In the dialog box that's displayed, select the posted project you want to include (to include a project from the Share, select the Share tab first).
    1. You can select a project from the projects that are marked as the current post.
    2. Or you can unselect View Current Only and select any posted project. The current version will be bold.
  4. Click the arrow button [>>] to move the project to the right.
  5. On the right side of the dialog, in the drop-down box for Type, select Include.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The posted project you selected is now included within your current solution.

To use an included project:

The objects in the included project can be access when selecting a site (for example, when selecting a Type for a field).

  1. In the Property Editor, click the ellipsis [...] button next to Type.
  2. In the dialog box that's displayed, click the Dependencies tab.
  3. With the Dependencies tab selected, scroll to the bottom of the top pane. Included projects will show up after the BungeeRuntime project types.
  4. Select the desired object. Click OK.

[edit] Error Handling


[edit] Examples


[edit] Next Steps


[edit] Tags

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