How To : Managing a Deployed Application

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[edit] Description

This document describes how to manage a deployed application.

[edit] Prerequisites

Understanding Application Posting and Deployment
Deploying Your Application

[edit] Procedures

[edit] Accessing a Deployed Application

To access a deployed application:

  1. At the top of the Builder, select the Staging tab.
  2. Under Production, expand your DesignGroup and select an AppProject.
  3. Under Deployments, select a deployed application.
  4. In the bottom section of the window, expand Deployment Settings.
  5. Tip To quickly see all deployed applications for an AppProject, under Production, select AppProject. Under Deployments, all the deployed applications appear.

[edit] Adding Deployment Arguments

You can customize your deployments by adding deployment arguments to deployed applications.

To add deployment arguments

  1. Complete the steps in the Accessing a Deployed Application procedure above.
  2. On the far right of the Deployment Settings pane, click Deploy Arguments.
  3. In the View Deployment Arguments window, click Add.
  4. In the Key field, type the key you want. In the Value field, type the value you want to retrieve using the key.
  5. Add as many key-value pairs as you want.
  6. Click OK.
  7. To see the results of your changes, access your deployed application at the URL you have assigned your application.

[edit] Updating a Deployed Application

To Update a Deployed Application:

  1. Complete the steps in the Accessing a Deployed Application procedure above.
  2. In the Revision Management pane, in the Select A Post of this Application box in the Post Name column, select the version of your application you want the deployment to "point" to.
  3. If you want, under Deployment Name, change the name. Likewise, if you want, under Application URL, change the URL.
  4. Click Update.

[edit] Activating/Deactivating a Deployed Application

To activate/deactivate a deployed application:

  1. Complete the steps in the To access a deployed application: procedure above.
  2. When you deploy an application, by default, the Deploment Is Active checkbox in the Revision Management pane is selected. To deactivate a deployed application, in the Select A Post of this Application box, select the deployed application, and directly below the words Revision Management, remove the check mark from Deployment Is Active.
  3. Click Update.

[edit] Assigning a URL to a Deployed Application

To assign a URL to a deployed application:

Near the bottom of the window is Application URL. This is the URL your users use to access your Bungee-powered application. By default, the URL is a long URL automatically generated with as the domain. Alternatively, a domain managed by you could be used. A C-Name record that points to, must be added to the DNS for your domain. You can create one C-name and then use a path to differentiate between deployments (e.g.,, …/app2, etc.) or you can create separate C-Name records for every application, (e.g.,, http://bungeeapp2...., etc.). When a user enters this URL into their browser, the request is forwarded by your DNS server to the Bungee Grid servers. A Bungee Grid server inspects the path and sub-domain the request was looking for and matches it to the deployed application identified with the same url.

[edit] Making an Application Available to End Users

To make an application available to end users:

  1. There are two ways you can make your application available to end users: as a stand-alone Web page or embedded into an HTML Web page. To make the application available as a stand-alone application, simply post the URL specified during the deployment phase to your end users.
  2. To embed the application into an HTML page, add an IFRAME into the page that points to the URL specified during the deployment step.

[edit] Error Handling


[edit] Examples

See the Hello Bungee Connect tutorial.

[edit] Next Steps


[edit] Tags

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