How To : Importing Example Code

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[edit] Description

Importing (opening) example code allows you to bring working code examples into a solution. You can find importable examples on the Home tab of the Builder under the Open Example Code section. Each of the available samples has corresponding documentation in this wiki which is meant to accompany the sample code.

[edit] Prerequisites

Understanding Solutions and Projects

[edit] Procedure

To import working example code:

  1. Log in to the Builder and select the Design tab.
  2. On the left side of the Home tab, expand the sub section of the Open Example Code pane in which you are interested.
  3. Select an example to import. 
  4. Click either Import into a new solution (to create a new solution in which to import the examples) or Import into one of my current solutions (to import the examples into an existing solution).
    1. Import into a new solution:

      1. In the Target Design Group drop down box, select the DesignGroup in which you want to create the new solution.
      2. In New Solution Name, type the name of the new solution.
      3. Click OK
      4. A new solution opens displaying the example you imported.
    2. Import into one of my current solutions:
      1. In the Target Design Group drop down box, select the DesignGroup in which you want to create the new solution.
      2. Select an existing Solution and click OK.
      3. The solution opens displaying the examples you imported.

[edit] Error Handling


[edit] Examples


[edit] Next Steps

Understanding the Code Inspector
Understanding Simulate

[edit] Tags

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