Concept : Understanding Session Timeout Managment

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[edit] Description 

Applications deployed through Bungee Connect accrue Bungee Units (post Beta). All applications deployed during the Beta are free for the duration of the Beta. While Bungee Connect's "utility model" (billing based on actual customer usage of your application) offers significant cost reducations over traditional subscription models, you may want to strike a balance between keeping sessions alive for user convenience and limiting session times to further control hosting costs.

[edit] Understanding the Timeout Fields

Bungee Connect provides you with the opportunity to manage the following settings:

  • Session Timeout (min): Specifies the number of minutes that a session stays alive after a period of inactivity. The default setting is 30 minutes, but you can choose a range between 1 and 120 minutes.
  • Suppress Session Timeout Message: Indicates whether a message is displayed to the user when a session timeout is detected. Default is false (i.e., display a timeout message).
  • Session Timeout Message: Specifies the message that is displayed to the user when a session has timed out. Default is: “Your session has timed out.” The message you supply must be between 1 and 500 characters and may not include any of the following characters: [, ], {, }, (, ), "

[edit] On Deployment

Whenever you deploy an application, you have the opportunity to manage session timeouts as you are deploying:

[edit] Post Deployment

Later, if you change your mind about the session timeouts you set earlier, or if you did not change the defaults at the time you deployed, you can readdress session management. The following dialog is accessible when you select a deployment on the Staging tab and expand Deployment Settings.

[edit] See Also

Managing Session Timeouts

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