Concept : Understanding Pages

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[edit] Description

Pages (part of the View) are the final application assembly area for any Bungee-powered application. In Bungee Connect, pages are logically subordinate to an  AppProject and act as containers for the main forms of your application, just as forms act as containers for controls. In addition, pages are the primary user interface elements for your application at runtime. Pages (and the forms the pages contain) are what an end user first sees when accessing a Bungee-powered application. The place of pages in the structure of what an end user sees (the application interface) is presented in the diagram below:


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Before you can add a page to your AppProject, you must first add an AppProject to your solution (every deployed application must have an AppProject). When you add a page to an AppProject, the page appears in the Solution Explorer. When you open a page by double-clicking the page in the Solution Explorer, the page appears in the Design Editor.

With your page open, you are ready to add the main form or forms of your application to the page. This is part of deploying your application which requires you to drag and drop the main forms of your application directly onto the page. When you drag forms onto a page (or pages), and then deploy your application, you are creating the hierarchy that appears in the diagram above.

Note If you have not already set a form adapter on your form before dropping the form onto your page, a dialog appears informing you of the need to do so. You simply click the Choose Form Adapter ellipsis button [...] and a chooser dialog appears. The chooser is filtered so you can easily find the correct form adapter. Once you have set the form adapter, your form appears on the page.

You can add several pages to a single AppProject. If you do, by default these pages appear as tabs when you deploy your application. You use the Main Page for Application property to select the page you want to appear as the initially selected tab when a user accesses your application.

[edit] See Also

Understanding Application Posting and Deployment
Adding a Page to an AppProject
Deploying Your Application

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