Concept : Understanding Logging

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[edit] Description 

Logging your program's state during execution is useful for debugging your application. To implement logging within your Bungee Logic code, use a Log Message statement. To view the log message, you can either set the log message to display in a modal dialog that halts the execution of your application, or you can have the log message displayed in the Event Viewer window in the Builder. To have the log message go to a modal dialog window, change the Type property to Dialog. To have the log message go to the Event Viewer, set the Type property to Log and set the Throw Event property to true.

Use the Message property to display the value of a field. For example, if you set Message to Expression and add something like: "This is the firstName field: " + firstName, the log entry will show the string produced by the Expression.

When you run your project and a Log Message statement is executed that throws an event, an entry is added to the Event Viewer. Double-click on the Event Viewer entry to see the log message details in the Event Viewer details pane. The details pane also shows the current state of the fields in the Class the log message was executed in (the values shown are the values at the time you click on the log entry—not the values when the Log Message statement was executed). 

[edit] See Also

Simulating or Testing Your Project or Application
Event Viewer
Setting up Logging

[edit] Tags

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